Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us?

If you are familiar with Chris Tomlin maybe you have heard the song off of his new CD called "Our God." Well, lately this song has been totally surrounding me everywhere I go. Church. Chapel. My room. At first it just seemed like another worship song. However, the bridge to the song kept getting stuck in my head. It goes, "If out God is for us then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?" Now, I know some people have been a little skeptical about whether or not I should go because of the main issues of poverty and human trafficking. After spending lots of time researching and writing a paper for my class on these issues, I really can have no retort or logical reason. All I can say is that those issues are what make me passionate about the trip. Yes, it's not the safest thing I could do, but let's be honest, neither is growing up in LA county. I have trust in the organization I am going with. They are in over 100 countries and specialize in helping people like me make custom trips. It isn't unheard of for them to have people travel alone with them.

Anyways, so far things are going well, and money is flowing in quite nicely. However, any little bit still helps! As I continue to raise support I am becoming more and more convinced that this will be an amazing trip. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Hope you all are having a blessed week!


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