Saturday, July 16, 2011

Village Outreach (Love Moldova B)

Time sure seems to be going a lot faster here in Moldova. The last outreach I was on one of two village outreach teams. We mostly did children's programs, 5-6 hours every day. It was a lot of fun. My team consisted of Vitalie (LMT Paiku), Sora Paulina (LMT Paiku), Al (England/Germany/Chisinau), Ester (LMT Rezina, from Austria/ England), a family of 4 from Holland (Ellie, Gert, Jary, Noa), and Jellina (also from Holland). Note to self: try and find hagelslag when I get to LA. The two villages that we went to were Lucesti and Zirnesti. The first village was rather difficult because they mostly spoke Russian. At this point I was thinking "where are Ruslan and Zhenya?" because translation would have to go from Russian to Romanian and then into English. However, it was amazing to see the relationships that we were able to build with the kids, despite the language barrier. Us girls were able to enjoy a life of luxury in the second village with normal showers and toilets at the host home. Our team woked really well together, and I am glad that I had an opportunity to get to know everyone on my team. However, at the moment, I am really tired and am looking forward to having an empty room tonight :D

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